Music Core Standards to provide students opportunities to achieve musical proficiency in Four Artistic Processes: Creating, Performing, Responding, and Connecting.

Below are suggested activities that are related to Music Core Standards - Creating, Performing, and Responding. Please note this is a suggested curriculum. Feel free to modify the materials to meet your needs.


*Depth of Knowledge

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Pr 4.1

Explore and demonstrate preference for varied musical selections.

  • e.g., Folk, pop, and Classical music (wide variety of music)  
  • Hawaiian Hula Noho: E `Ike Mai 
  • Finger Plays: Two Little Blackbirds, Five Little Bunnies, Five Little Ladies, Five Little Peas, Five Little Pumpkins
    • 1122 (一一二二)
  • Bounces: Leg Over Leg, Ride a Cock Horse
  • Taps and Claps: Open Shut Them, Patty Cake, Two Little Sausages, Here Comes a Bluebird, Witch Has an Itch
    • Little Stool (小板凳)
  • Tickles: Round Around the Garden, Round Around the Cornfield
  • Non-locomotor: Jack in the Box, Teddy Bear
  • Simple Circle: Ring Around the Rosie
  • Singing Games: Naughty Kitty Cat, Charlie Over the Ocean, Doggie Doggie, Bee Bee Bumble Bee
  • Dances

Pr 4.2

  • Explore and demonstrate awareness of music contrasts in a variety of music. 

Pr 4.3

Pr 6.1

Re 7.1:

With guidance, personal interests and experiences that influence musical listening preferences.

Re 7.2:

Echo and audiate a variety of simple songs in different tonalities and chants with  accents groupings in 2, duple and compound meters


  • Voices (e.g talking, whisper, shouting, singing)
  • Range of voices (low, medium, high)
  • Solo and group


Re 8.1:

Loud and soft:

Fast & Slow:

 Smooth and Jerky: 

Re 9.1:

  • Locomotor:
    • Saint-Saëns: Aquarium
    • Dance: Break Mixer
    • Kinderpolka: Guess How Much I Love you
    • Folk Dance: Sasha, American folk dances
  • Book Reading:

Asian Pacific materials


Introduce the cultural background of the music materials, and deliver the activities culturally responsive with sensitivity. 

Pr 4.1 & 4.2

  • Bee Bim Bop (Korean)
  • Zhao Peng You (Mandarin)
  • Let's Sit in Rows (Mandarin - 排排坐)
  • Little Ants (Mandarin - 小蚂蚁)
  • The Door is Open, But I Can't Get In (Mandarin - 大门开开进不来)
  • Tong Tong Tong (Filipino)

Cr 1.1

  • Lemonade
  • The Very Lazy Ladybug
  • Here Comes a Turtle
  • Today is Monday

Cr 2.1

Cr 3.2

  • Recorded Music: Mozart, Eine Kleine Nachtmusik

Assessment: Pr 5.1

Questions? Please leave a note:

Comments: 1
  • #1

    Daniel (Friday, 30 August 2024 15:49)

    Some of the standards are not written out. Example, PR.3 have nothing is written next to it. All of the Cr standards are not written out. Do we need to write them out?